viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Google lanza AdMob para Windows Phone 8 en su versión Beta

Google-AdmobBuenas noticias para los desarrolladores que hoy reciben la versión Beta del AdMob SDK para Windows Phone 8 de Google con el que podrán monetizar sus aplicaciones y ampliar así las formas de conseguir ingresos por su trabajo.
El anuncio se ha realizado desde el Blog de Google Ads Developer y a continuación os lo mostramos integro.
Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of a beta version of the AdMob SDK for Windows Phone 8 to help you monetize your Windows Phone 8 applications! The key features of this SDK include the ability to:
Create an AdMob banner view from code
Embed an AdMob banner directly in an XAML file
Show full-screen interstitial ads
Register for ad events such as succeeding or failing to receive an ad
This beta version of the SDK does not include the following features that are available on iOS and Android:
Ad Network Mediation
Support for DoubleClick for Publishers
Search Ads for Mobile Apps support
MRAID support
It should also be noted that Windows RT is not supported at this time.
You can get the Windows Phone 8 SDK from our downloads page, and check out the getting started guide for developer instructions. To register an ad unit, you’ll need to have upgraded to the new AdMob. Any questions can be directed to our developer forum, and be sure to stay tuned on the Google Ads Developers Plus page for news on all Google Ads developer products.
¿Que demuestra esto? que si Google ve beneficio en algo no le importa desarrollar para la competencia como es este el caso.